
音标/读音 [dis'tәupiә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 非理想化的地方
[医] 异位, 错位

n. state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror
n. a work of fiction describing an imaginary place where life is extremely bad because of deprivation or oppression or terror



So there's an apocalyptic story, and then there's dystopia.

有了世界末日的故事 也就有了反乌托邦

Oh, I was doing a thing on historical memory and feminist dystopia.


Some people's dystopia can be someone else's utopia.


High school feels like the worst type of dystopia.


The only thing that is real is the present, and you've plundered it robbed it of the very geniuses that might have averted the dystopia you so fear.

而唯一真实的只有当下 而你却夺走了它 从那些也许可以阻止你所恐惧的地狱 来临的那些天才们那里夺走了当下

You know, it shows that this is dystopia and there is something very terrible that has happened to the world to get us to this place.

它说明了这是反乌托邦社会 世界上发生了 非常糟糕的事 才使我们沦落至此

Dystopia appeared in 2014, and if you're *art if you're really, really *art you can study it and decipher all the reallife epidemics it predicted.

《人间炼狱》出现于2014年 如果你够聪明 如果你非常非常聪明... 你可以研究并破译出 书里预言出的所有现实生活中的传染病