
音标/读音 ['hʌnikәum]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 蜂巢, 蜂房, 蜂窝
a. 蜂巢的
vt. 使成蜂巢状
vi. 变成蜂巢状

n. a structure of small hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax by bees and used to store honey and larvae
n. a framework of hexagonal cells resembling the honeycomb built by bees
v. carve a honeycomb pattern into



I once walked into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass.


I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.


So it's a moldable rubber cast in a unique honeycomb structure.

这是一个通过压膜铸型而成 具有独特蜂窝结构的橡胶模具

But when you look at it closely you can see that it's got a honeycomb structure.

但仔细地观察一下 你就能看到它的蜂窝式构造

Kidnapping me and tying me up in your honeycomb kill room is not helping your case.

绑架我 把我关在你的蜂窝杀人房间里 可不怎么有说服力

The region's limestone cliffs, honeycombed with painted caves, are unique on this planet.

该地区的石灰岩峭壁 满布洞窟壁画 世上独一无二

It's the belief that things like a honeycomb or a snowflake, those perfect shapes found in nature, are proof of organization by a higher power.

是一种观点 认为蜂窝或雪花 那种自然界里的完美形状 证明了更高力量对世间的掌控