
音标/读音 ['delikәt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 细致优雅的, 微妙的, 美味的
[医] 柔弱的

a. exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury
s. marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique
s. easily broken or damaged or destroyed
s. easily hurt



There's nothing like a delicate massage and this is nothing like a delicate massage.

精细*最令人享受 但这个和精细*天差地别

They're playing a delicate game, and the last thing they want is someone coming in and *ashing their delicate game with a brick.

在他们牵一发而动全身的游戏中 最不愿意看到的就是不速之客贸然闯入 使苦心经营的游戏毁于一旦

What I'm saying is this is delicate.

我是说 这事得小心处理

We need to be deliberate and delicate about this.

这件事咱们得深思熟虑 小心谨慎

You just have to handle it delicately.


That would be an incredibly delicate shot.


No, it's not that, I'm straight. I'm just delicate.

不是那个 我是直男 只是委婉点罢了

There is a delicate balance in this city.

在這座城市里 存在著微妙的平衡

I'm in the middle of a very delicate situation.


Oh, that's why you were trying to be delicate with me.
