
音标/读音 ['empәθaiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 移情, 神入

v be understanding of



But I do empathize with your problem.

不过我对你的问题 表示同情

I didn't manipulate her. I empathized with her.

我不是操纵她 我是同情她

But I am asking you to empathize with his predicament.


You can't empathize if you haven't been through a similar situation yourself.

自己如果没经历过类似的事 是不会产生移情行为的

Because you empathize so deeply with others.

因为你对那几个病人太用心了 走得太近了

And he was always right, because he was an empath.

他从不犯错 因为他是同理者

Well, it's... I empathize with you, but I'm not doing anything.

不过 这 我很同情你 但我不能提供任何帮助

He could feel it through the empathic connection with you.


They had an empathic connection to their offspring.


you have to find a way to empathize with your character.

你需要找到 与角色共鸣的方式