
音标/读音 ['dʒækskru:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 螺旋起重机
[医] 螺旋正牙器

n. screw-operated jack



It would stress the tail section to the point that even a correctlymaintained jackscrew would fail.

这样会加重尾部的压力 直到即使正确维护的螺杆也失灵的地步

They assumed the jackscrew cracked, which caused the tail to come apart, because the plane was shaking.

他们认为由于飞机的震荡 螺杆断裂而导致尾翼断裂

Okay, you'd have to remove the plate to get to the jackscrew and then reattach it pretty big job.

好吧 你得 移开夹板才能接触到螺杆 接着再接回去 工作量很大

If you wanted to overstress the jackscrew, you would remove the tail plate and strip the threads on the vertical stabilizer nut.

如果你想让螺杆承压过重 你得把尾板移除 然后将垂直安定面螺母上的螺纹清除