
音标/读音 ['nɪknæk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小玩意儿;小衣饰;小摆设;[轻] 小装饰物

n a small inexpensive mass-produced article
n miscellaneous curios



Your mom keeps her knickknacks in there.


For a man you have a lot of knickknacks.

对一个大老爷们来说 你的小摆设可不少

She yanked the tablecloth, and that knickknack fell on her.

她把桌布扯下来 那玩意儿砸到了她

They are no higher a lower than any other form of knickknacks.

他们和其他形式的 收藏品没有高低贵贱之分

No personal items, no mementos, no knickknacks.

没有私人物品 没有纪念品或摆设

It's just, you know, my fishing knickknacks.

这是 你懂的 只是我捕鱼的装备

No, it is absolutely not a gallery, it is just our collection of knickknacks.

不 当然不是画廊 这仅是我们喜欢的一种收藏品

So they weren't making knickknacks to sell at their makers' events.

所以他们不是在做一些小玩意 好在他们的市场活动上卖

Yeah, real nice, if you're into bullshit bourgeois knickknacks.

确实很不错 如果你喜欢那些狗屁小中产的小摆设的话

She's been all over, and she always sends a postcard or a knickknack, which is nice, I guess.

到处跑 她经常给我寄明信片 或者小纪念品 还挺好的