
音标/读音 ['pænik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 恐慌, 惊慌
a. 惊慌的, 没有理由的, 恐慌的
vt. 使惊慌, 使狂热
vi. 惊慌

n. an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
n. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events
v. be overcome by a sudden fear
v. cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic



You panic, and when you panic, it stings you.

你会恐慌 你一恐慌 它就会蜇你

Panic. I would say panic is my reaction.

慌张 我认为我的反应是慌张

Spencer, don't panic. I'm not panicking. I never panic.

斯宾塞 别慌 我没慌 我从来不慌

Don't panic, because panic can be more dangerous than flames, toxic fumes or a sucking chest wound.

别慌张 因为慌张会比大火 毒烟 胸壁伤口 都更致命

Was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life, but it happened in an instant, from a wellspring of panic and fear, like this panic and fear.

这是我一生中做过的最可怕的事 但那发生在一瞬间 源于惊慌与恐惧 就像这样的惊慌与恐惧

And men are superstitious and scared and stupid, and when they see two big houses selling, they're gonna *ing panic, and panic spreads like wildfire, like chlamydia.

而人们迷信 畏缩 愚蠢 他们要是看到两家大公司抛售股票 能慌得屁滚尿流 这种恐慌会像野火和病菌一样迅速扩散

There was panic, but there were no casualties.

场面确实很有些乱 但没出现伤亡

You threw up because you had a panic attack.


Don't panic. I'm sure it's here somewhere.

别惊慌 肯定是在什么地方

The most important thing is not to panic.
