
音标/读音 [ˈstrɒŋmæn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 大力士

n. a man who performs feats of strength at a fair or circus
n. a powerful political figure who rules by the exercise of force or violence



You could call him a military strongman, but that doesn't really capture who he was.

你可以称他为军事强人 但他不止于此

Except for two weeks when I wanted to be a circus strongman.

不过其中有两周时间 我想成为马戏团大力士

He looks powerful and handsome, like a circus strongman.

他看起來威武又帥氣 像馬戲團的大力士

We've got our exotic animal, strongman and sideshow all in one.

已经抓住了怪物 还是强人和杂技演员一体呢

The royals are ruling behind another puppet strongman, and we are living off cheeseburgers.

皇室在幕后操纵另一个铁腕*家 而我们在靠芝士汉堡过日子

If you're gonna make a show of strength, you wanna be sure you're the real strongman in the room.

要是你想展现力量 你得先保证自己有胜算