
音标/读音 ['mәjbilɑiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi.vt. 动员, 松动, 使活动, 调动, 发动

v call to arms; of military personnel
v get ready for war
v make ready for action or use
v cause to move around



They fear your mobilisation too, of course.

当然 他们也害怕德国动员军队

We secure it now, before they can mobilise.

趁他們還沒動員軍隊 我們趕緊拿到資源

Russia has felt it necessary to mobilise her army.


The military is redeploying defence forces with the mobilisation of three infantry regiments.

军方正在重新部署防御部队 已动员了三个步兵团

Germany, happily, will postpone its own mobilisation until we have absolutely exhausted efforts at mediation.

值得高兴的是 德国会推迟动员 直到我们穷尽一切调停的外交手段