
音标/读音 [sɒft]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 软的, 温和的, 柔和的, 柔滑的, 温柔的, 软弱的, 坡度小的, 笨的, 纸币的
n. 柔软的东西, 笨人, 纸币
adv. 柔软地, 温和地

a. yielding readily to pressure or weight
a. compassionate and kind; conciliatory
a. (of sound) relatively low in volume
a. not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)



You're being soft. I'm not being soft.

你太心软了 我没有心软

Soft and comfy, soft and comfy, soft and comfy, soft and comfy.

柔柔软软好舒服 柔柔软软好舒服 柔柔软软好舒服 柔柔软软好舒服

I like you, but you're soft. I'm not soft.

我喜欢你 但你太心软 我才不心软

But he was too soft on you, he couldn't do it.

但他狠不下心 下不了手

They're firm, they're strong, and they're covered in soft, soft gloves.

这双手坚实 有力 还戴着柔软的手套

California's getting you soft, like, soft as a grape.

加利福尼亚把你变柔软了 柔软得像颗葡萄

You know I've always had a soft spot for a soft top.


And the radio will play only soft rock, so if you do not wish to be rocked softly, then please do not come.

收音机只会播放慢摇 如果你们不希望被慢慢摇 就请不要去

This is the soft mud which we use to cover them, so you cover the hole with the mud, soft mud, after the designing.

我们用的是这种柔软的泥巴 塑形完毕 就在模具上覆上这种泥巴

He'd gone soft in his old age, but not so soft that he wouldn't have kicked me out of the business and written me out of his will like that for having done it.

他年纪大了会比较心软 但还是会 因为我的所作所为 狠心地 把我赶出他的生意和把我的名字从遗嘱上去掉