中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɡɪvn] 美 [ˈɡɪvən]

a. 赠予的, 沉溺的, 约定的

n. an assumption that is taken for granted
s. acknowledged as a supposition


1. And if they were given title, they were given name.

封爵的时候 会得到贵族名字

2. He's given up being snooty, and I've given up oking.

他不再傲慢无礼 我也戒了烟

3. I know I haven't given back as much as you've given me.

我知道你对我的付出 我还没有给予同样的回报

4. Nothing given that is not earned nothing taken that is not given.

一切都要去争取 一切都要去努力

5. I've given to you my heart and my soul, more than I've ever given to anyone.

我把心和灵魂都交给了你 我从没对其他人这样过

6. But given what he's been through, I won't.

但考虑到他情况特殊 我就不报案了

7. It hasn't just given my life purpose it's given me a family.

不仅给了我人生目标 还给了我一个大家庭

8. Shows me where all the cops are in a given area at any given time.

来告诉我警察的位置 任何时间 任何地点

9. You know, all these rules who's given a gift, who's given nothing.

这些规则 谁获得天赋 谁什么都得不到

10. The things that I have given up, and the pieces of myself that I have given away for you, and you treat me this way.

我为你放弃的种种 我为了你而抹杀的自我 而你还是如此对待我



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

