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◎ 单词释义

n. 老朽, 衰老
[医] 衰老, 变老

n the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
n the property characteristic of old age



And that's what we call cell senescence.


Negligible senescence, however, is the lack of symptoms of aging.

然而 极微小的衰老 是衰老症状的缺乏

It's thought that senescence probably contributes to the life span of an organi* as well.

人们认为细胞衰老 还可能影响生命体的寿命

The process of physical aging is known as senescence, and none of us are spared from it.

身体老化的过程被称作是衰老 没有人能够避免

Two things that have always been involuntary constants: trading our time for sustenance and losing that time through senescence.

有两件我们日常做的但并非出于自愿的事 一是用我们大好时光来换取生计 二是因为衰老而失去大好时光

Negligibly senescent organi*s include certain species of sturgeon, giant tortoise, flatworm, clam, and tardigrade.

极微小衰老的生物包括 鲟鱼 巨型陆龟 扁形虫 蛤和缓步类动物