
音标/读音 [wi'ðin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 内部, 里头
adv. 在内部, 在内心里
prep. 在...之内

r on the inside



We have tremendous power within our bodies and within ourselves.

我们的体内 我们的内心深处 有着无穷力量

interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem.

再相连 与那主干再相连

The *ing "artist within" left us a turd within our toilet.


So, it's like trying to look for a needle within a haystack within a haystack.

这就好像大海捞针 无踪可循

The protons get absorbed within the concrete, within the steel as well.

质子会被水泥 还有钢筋所吸收

All the victims in the past lived within a *all community, within a fivemile radius.

此前的受害者全都住在一个小社区里 在半径八公里的范围内

It's the art of concealing a message within another message. In this case, within an image.

隐写术是把一种信息 隐藏在另一信息中的方法 而现在 信息就隐藏在图片里

Within 20 minutes,、 everyone within an earshot went completely insane.

二十分钟内 听见音乐的所有人完全疯了

Within the lining of the respiratory tract there are trace elements inhaled at the point of death and adhered within.

呼吸道内里 有死时吸入并附着在其上的 痕量元素

Means these subs will be within attack range of our west coast within 24 hours.

也就是说这些潜艇在24小时内 会进入西海岸的攻击范围