
音标/读音 ['brigәnd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 土匪, 强盗
[法] 土匪, 盗贼

n an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band



To these brigands, this is a business.

对这些绑匪来说 这就是交易

He is a brigand and a mercenary, but not without his charms.

他是个土匪 是个雇佣兵 但是却有自己的魅力

My personal standard was stolen by brigands.


Four brigands. I tried to fight them off.

是四个强盗 我试图反击

Few things I confiscated from those young brigands.


But if the brigands get in here, it's rape and murder for everyone.

要是强盗们冲了进来 肯定会将我们都先奸后杀了

I'm no better than I was the day you had to save us from brigands.

比起那天你打退土匪 救下我们 我真是一点进步都没有

Made camp here last night so no brigands would find me.

我昨晚在这扎营 强盗就找不到我了

I was being hunted by brigand magicians who wanted to kill me, cut me up and sell my parts to other magicians.

我当时在被想要杀死我 把我开膛 将我的器官卖给其他魔法师的的强盗魔法师追杀

The roads are safe, the nobles' private armies are di*anded and brigands have been brought to justice.

道路通畅安全 贵族的私人军队也已解散 强盗也被绳之以法