
音标/读音 [si'dʌkʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 教唆, 怂恿, 诱惑, 诱惑物, 诱饵
[法] 诱奸, 勾引, 引诱

n. enticing someone astray from right behavior
n. an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone



You specialize in seduction and you're patient.

你擅长诱惑他人 并极具耐心

And then he *iled at me this big seductive *ile.


It was a seduction, but mere carnality was not his aim.

是一場引誘 但他的目標不只是*

The seduction scene, it's a wonderful scene.

勾引的戏 非常好的一场戏

This testimony, it's not just about facts, it's a seduction.

证词不仅仅与事实相关 也是引诱

It's because his natural voice is actually very seductive.


Your sorry is as selfserving as your seduction of my son.


He said that there was no seduction, no romance on his part.

他说他没有勾引我女儿 他没有非分之想

She said that you asked her for some seductive photographs.


It's all part of her little seduction, and she is still seducing you.

这都是她的引诱计划的一部分 她还在引诱你