
音标/读音 ['hʌmvi:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 悍马(一种军用吉普车)

n. a high mobility, multipurpose, military vehicle with four-wheel drive



I laugh about it because, you know, I never was, you know, a trained professional cook in the military, you know, but every time we stopped somewhere, we'd pop the engines of the trucks, of the humvees, and I would cook on top of the humvee, on the engine.

我觉得挺好笑 因为我参军时 从来没接受过专业烹饪培训 但每当我们停留的时候 我们会打开悍马的引擎盖 我就在悍马的引擎上做菜

He's he's a humvee mechanic in the army, if that helps.


I was in the humvee right behind his when he got blown up.

我开着悍马跟在后头 亲眼看着他被炸

The tracker you were using was hooked up to the transponder in the humvee that burned down.

你用的追踪器 之前是和一辆被烧毁的悍马的应答器连在一起的

The captain told me to stay in the humvee women aren't supposed to engage in direct combat.

上尉告诉我待在悍马里 女人是不能参与直接交战的