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And those lesions could be misdiagnosed as signs of osteosarcoma.


I did some right after you told me my hu*and was misdiagnosed.

你说我丈夫被误诊后 我就立刻做了调查

But you can't change the fact that he misdiagnosed the kid.


And I think that there's a very good chance that he was misdiagnosed there.

我想很有可能 他被误诊了

You know, many food allergies are misdiagnosed.


I misdiagnosed a patient, and let me tell you, I am beating myself up about that.

我误诊了病人 让我告诉你 我为此感到很自责

He misdiagnosed internal bleeding, and the boy turned into a coma.

他误诊了内部出血 结果小男孩就昏迷了

There were some patients serving criminal sentences we felt had been misdiagnosed.

有一些被判刑的病人 我们认为是被诊断错误的

Now, the inherited version of hemochromatosis is is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases that there is.

遗传性的血色素沉着症是... 是一种最容易被误诊的疾病

A minute clinic misdiagnosed her renal cell carcinoma as a back sprain.

一个快捷诊所把她的肾细胞癌 错误诊断为了腰部扭伤