
音标/读音 [.dɒkjumen'teiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. (总称)文件
[计] 文件编制, 文档

n. confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence
n. documentary validation



It's filled with documents and other papers of a document nature, but I have no idea what the contents is, of course.

里面满满的都是资料 或者类似资料的其它文件 当然 我不清楚上面说的都是什么

Of course, you know that if these documents come to light, the military has no knowledge of said such documents, nor any knowledge of how they got into the wrong hands.

当然 但你得明白一旦这些资料曝光 军方对此类资料还并不知悉 对资料从何途径流入不法之手也毫不知情

What are you doing? I'm documenting this shit.

你在做什么 我要录证据

And that's why you incessantly document yourself.


I have the documents, all you have to do is agree.

文件我这里都有 你只用点头

The same reason they're after these documents.


And documented, but not for a trophy.

是纪实录像 但又不是战利品

Our lawyers have been all over these documents.


You should have the documents in a few minutes.


Reactions are what we're here to document.
