
音标/读音 [eks'kʌlpәtәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 辩解的, 辩明无罪的
[法] 开脱罪责的, 申明无罪的, 昭雪的

a. clearing of guilt or blame



I'm telling you it's gonna be exculpatory.

相信我 这样能证明我无罪

It's just this evidence is potentially exculpatory.


He said there's no way they won't regard this as exculpatory evidence.

他说他们不可能不考虑这个 作为开脱罪责的证据

We have more than enough exculpatory evidence to compel a new trial.

我们现在所掌握的免罪证据 已经足够申请重审了

The witness was added after exculpatory evidence was received late last night.

证人是在昨晚得到辩护证据后 增加的

If exculpatory evidence surfaces, you can introduce it at trial, or, if necessary, on appeal.

如果找到了无罪证据 可以在庭审时呈上 或如有必要 在上诉时呈上

Because the only way I'm rescinding the plea is if you can show that the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence.

因为我取消认罪的唯一条件是 如果你能证明检方隐瞒了无罪证据

And since you have exculpatory evidence, drop the charges and let her go home right now.

既然你们已经有了证明她无罪的证据 请撤销对她的指控 让她回家吧

Oh, you know, I threw in a little case law here, a little due process there, and I talked it off with some exculpatory evidence.

我引用了一些判例法 走了走正当程序 我靠一些无罪证据驳回了诉讼