
音标/读音 ['stifnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 坚硬, 呆板, 刻板
[医] 强直, 僵硬

n. the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend
n. the property of moving with pain or difficulty
n. firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action



Then stiff him once you're in office.


And I walked up, all stiff, and I'm sweating.

我走上前 全身紧绷 汗流不止

Down there, between his legs, he was stiff as a flagpole.

而他双腿中间 那玩意硬的像旗杆

His lungs are too stiff to preoxygenate.


His prick was stiff before the rest of him.


I wouldn't call you for a couple of stiffs.


You're as stiff as a poker in that. I can't help it.

你这一幕演得很生硬 我没办法

Well, he's stiff, but not in the good way.

他好僵"硬" 但硬错地方了

I'm doing business, but the buyer thought he could stiff me.

我在做生意 买家觉得他能骗过我

No, they're all regular people working stiffs.

没有 他们都是普通人 干活的