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◎ 单词释义

[计] 数据采集, 数据管理员, 数据分析, 设计自动化

n an official prosecutor for a judicial district



Who da man? I da man. I always suspected.

最终选了谁 我 殊途同归啊

Da man yeah, da man, yeah, that's funny.

女伙计 女伙计 好吧 真有意思

But I have been known to...be da bomb.


You're not to worry about what your da done or who he is.

你不用担心 *爸做过什么以及他是谁

You can't not have a party if your ma and da are away.

*媽都出門了 你不能不辦派對啊

Surprised your da lets it in the house.


Da gamba, it's it's it's an oldschool cello.

古大提琴 一种老式大提琴

Better dead here than dead in da core.


I am a safe installer here to installa da safe.

我是安装保险箱的人 来装保险箱

But then this puppy kicked in, and da guilt be gone.

但这家伙一开动 内疚都飞走了