
音标/读音 ['gʌli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小峡谷, 排水沟

n. deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour)



It's what's coming out of the gully after her.


So, I'll just rest in this gully you've carved out.


Ditched in a gully not far from your current location.

被扔在了一条山沟里 离你那儿不远

电影制作人 the bottom of the gully going into the base.

吉米·秦 通往营地的地方接你们

Flood the trails, a real gully washer.

小路都淹了 肯定是场大暴雨

There's very few places they're going to move to because they have to live within the gullies.

卷尾猴的活动范围并不大 因为它们必须生活在溪谷中

This gully is creating a funnel effect that's pulling the fires together.

这道沟引发了漏斗效应 让火焰都聚在了一起

We'll eventually find them in one of these adjacent gullies, unless they're still on the move.

我们一定能在毗邻的溪谷中找到它们 除非它们还在迁移过程中

..followed by a surging river of snow, pouring through the gully at around 50mph.

接踵而来的 是如汹涌大河般的雪 以每小时八十公里的速度倾泻而下

It looks like it's coming from a gully about 750 yards due north of you, which is why our drone didn't pick it up.

看上去像是从你们北面750码之外的 一个沟里发射出来的 所以无人机才没发现