
音标/读音 ['hɪtmæn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 职业杀手

n a professional killer who uses a gun



So you didn't hire a hitman? I didn't.

所以你没有找杀手 我没有

This is what you gotta do to be a hitman.

要成为杀手 你就必须这么做

Jay, you'd be in the car with a hitman.

杰 你会跟杀手坐一辆车

He is the most wanted hitman in the world.


Yeah, she was a model who hired a hitman.

记得 她是个雇了杀手的模特

Yeah, the model who hired the hitman.

记得 那个雇了杀手的模特

I'll call junior hitman and tell him where you are.

我就给年轻杀手打电话 告诉他你在哪

It's not a bad apartment building for a hitman.

对于一个杀手来说 这栋公寓楼挺不错的

When's the hitman coming? I hope he has good aim.

杀手什么时候来 希望他枪法准

The whole hitman story, it's pretty farfetched.

这整个雇凶杀人的故事 太牵强了