
音标/读音 [tim]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 蒂姆(男子名)



Tim would have never done it on his own.


Tim, I told you over the phone, I can't.

提姆 我在电话里说了 不行

Tim was a pig, but I didn't do anything to him.

提姆是个* 但我并没有对他下手

Tim... I didn't come here to fight.

蒂姆 我不是来这儿吵架的

Tim, calm down. I'm not going to calm down.

蒂姆 冷静点 我才不要冷静

Tim is apparently a whiz at the typing.


Tim is on the heart transplant list.


Tim, they're about to go back in with the suspect.

蒂姆 他们准备继续询问嫌疑人了

Tim, you'll no longer wear that earring.

提姆 你别再戴那个耳环了

Tim tried to follow, but he got taken out.

蒂姆想跟上去 但是撞车了