
音标/读音 ['inleid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 嵌入的, 镶嵌的, 镶饰的

s. adorned by inlays



He had it inlaid with duvetyn for the same reason that jewelers use black velvet.

他用混纺毛织品做衬底 原因和珠宝商用黑天鹅绒一样

It's a masterpiece with a tulip wood banded top, simulated drawers inlaid with rosettes.

它是一件大师杰作 顶板是条纹郁金香木 仿造的抽屉镶嵌了玫瑰形纹饰

I'm picturing tempered inlaid glass on every floor, which will create a greenhouse effect.

我设想的是每层都镶嵌钢化玻璃 这样就能形成温室效应

The gold is inlaid with precious stones, lapis, feldspar and carnelian and the eyes modelled with obsidian and quartz.

这副面具上镶嵌着 宝石 琉璃 长石 和玛瑙 眼睛则是由黑曜石和石英构成

Imagine clean, purified air prepackaged in this beautiful 24karat gold inlaid mask with a stainless steel breathing apparatus.

想象一下净化过的洁净空气 预先被装入这个镶24K金 并配有不锈钢呼吸器的华丽面罩