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◎ 单词释义

n. 提基(波利尼西亚神话中人类的始祖);木或石刻的提基像;提基像做的护身符



There's a great tiki bar across the street from that building.

那栋楼的街对面 有家很棒的夏威夷风情酒吧

You know what? I'm gonna carve you a little tiki statue.

你知道吗 我要给你雕刻个小提基雕像

Better he break his ankle than become a human tiki torch.


Tiki bar, even though we told him it was tacky as hell.

提基酒吧 虽然我们都说那酒吧太破了

We tested the trace residue from the tiki torches we got a match.

我们检测了火炬里的残留物 找到了匹配

Seriously, never had an evening that started at a tiki bar end so well.

说认真的 我从来没有一个晚上 可以待在酒吧里享受

I bet you 50 bucks you can't throw this tiki torch hard enough to knock over that trash can.

我赌50块你力气不够把这只提基火炬 砸倒那个垃圾桶

It's how I convince those fellas downstairs to fill tiki torches with explosives, by telling them that they were losers because of people who don't look like them instead of the actual truth, which is, they're losers.

我就是这么说服楼下那些人 往提基火炬塞满炸药的 我告诉他们因为那些和他们肤色不一样的人 他们成了废柴 而没说真相 也就是 他们本是废柴

I see two ablebodied, entitled young white men who lucked into more money than most people see in five lifetimes, and who, if they hadn't had their millions stolen, would have promptly squandered them on more things like relocated swimming pools and lost tiki heads.

我看到的是两个健全有能力的年轻白人 幸运地得到了一笔 比大多数人五辈子见过的还多的钱 如果钱没被偷走 他们会马上把钱挥霍到更多 诸如挪动游泳池和弄丢提基神像的事情上