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n. 过山车



It's an amusement park, a rollercoaster ride.

自由是游乐场 是坐过山车

Yeah, it's just been a bit of a crazy rollercoaster of meringueing.

做蛋白饼的这段时间 就像在坐*的过山车一样

You know what it's kinda like? It's kinda like a rollercoaster.

你知道这像什么吗 有点像过山车

My only babysitter at the time was a rollercoaster at a local amusement park.

当时我唯一的保姆 是当地游乐园的过山车

But it's actually quite an emotional rollercoaster to see what happens to them.

看到发生在它们身上的一切 你的心情随之大起大落

I don't know if you're tall enough to ride this emotional rollercoaster.


Our nine songs so far have taken us on a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

目前为止九首歌曲带我们 经历了过山车般的旅程

Also, not that it's relevant, but the rollercoaster is specifically discouraged for children under five and pregnant women.

另外 虽然完全不相关 但是特别不建议五岁以下的儿童 和孕妇乘坐过山车

The therapy rollercoaster may have been due to intermittent periods of frustration then bliss surrounding the murders.

心理治疗的时有时无可能正是 由作案前的抑郁期 和作案后的狂喜造成的

History proves, once again, that just because someone is in charge, doesn't mean that they aren't crazier than a frog on a rollercoaster with a wig on.

历史再次证明 一个人即使大权在握 也有可能 比一只戴着假发坐过山车的青蛙还要疯狂