
音标/读音 [pintʃ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 捏, 拧, 撮, 少量, 收缩, 挤压, 夹痛, 苦恼, 逮捕, 指控, 匮乏, 紧急关头
vt. 捏, 拧, 掐, 挤压, 修剪, 使困苦, 使萎缩, 节制, 少量加入, 逮捕, 勒索
vi. 收缩, 节省, 挤压, 引起苦恼

n. a painful or straitened circumstance
n. an injury resulting from getting some body part squeezed
n. a squeeze with the fingers
v. squeeze tightly between the fingers



I gotta pinch the... pinch the head.

我得捏一下 得先要把头部掐住

No, I locked it. I pinched myself when I did it.

没有 我锁上了 我当时还掐了下自己以确保无误

Oh, not my faves, but they'll do in a pinch.

不是我最喜欢的 不过也能临时用用

Maybe a slight pinch, but that's it.

可能有点小刺痛 不过就一点点

You know how to use it? In a pinch.

你知道怎么用吗 紧要关头用

You know what, I said I was in a pinch.

你们够了 我已经说过了我当时赶时间

But I got pinched before I could source them.

可我还没帮他们联系 就被逮捕了

Well, it's more in the pinch than it is in the twist.

是的 掐*可比扭*厉害

Neither did I. I keep pinching myself.

我也是 我一直在掐自己

No pinching, no punching, and no kicking.

不能掐 不能打 也不能踢