
音标/读音 [bә:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 毛边, 钻孔器, 芒刺
v. 发音含混地说话

n. rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting
n. United States politician who served as vice president under Jefferson; he mortally wounded his political rival Alexander Hamilton in a duel and fled south (1756-1836)
n. rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece



He needs a burr hole to drain the hematoma.

需要头颅钻孔 清除血肿

He's posturing. I'll grab the burr hole tray.

出现去大脑强直 我去拿头颅钻孔托盘

Risa, get him the burr hole kit, please.

里莎 给他找一套钻孔包

You got to get all the dirt and burrs off before you put the saddle on him.

你得先把马身上的尘土 以及毛刺都刷掉才能给他把马鞍戴上

I knew she had a subdural hematoma, so I intubated, did the burr hole.

我知道她出现了硬膜下血肿 所以我插了管 钻了孔

Just at casual glance, I see burrs, blood from its entrails.

随便看一眼 我就能看到内脏里的毛边和血

It'd be like putting a horse down just 'cause he's got a burr in his side.

这就好像仅仅因为马身上 长了个苍耳就把它杀死一样

The burr should've been performed not a thirdyear in the hallway where my client was more likely to contract the meningitis that would put him on a long road to recovery.

钻孔应该由 而不是由一名第三年的住院医师在走廊中完成 我的当事人感染脑膜炎的可能性增加 这会使他需要很长的时间来康复