
音标/读音 [in'sendjәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 放火的, 煽动的, 燃烧的
n. 纵火犯人, 煽动者, 燃烧弹

a. involving deliberate burning of property
s. arousing to action or rebellion
s. capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily



But his work situation beforehand, what he did after, incendiary.

那是早有铺垫 但他之后做的呢 是煽风点火

They're about accelerants and incendiaries and the causes of a fire.

他们只管催化剂 纵火犯 以及起火原因

It was the most incendiary and scary gig I've ever been to.


And his propulsion system the incendiary device.


This is not a precious jewel, this is an incendiary weapon.

这不是颗珍贵的珠宝 而是件煽风点火的武器

An incendiary device was put through his letter box.


Nothing that would be considered incendiary in my line of work.

干我们这行 就没有 "煽动者"这一说

Incendiary rounds that could punch through an inch of steel.


Improvised explosive devices, both incendiary and chemical.

能即兴制造爆炸装置 燃烧弹化学弹皆可

Not gonna be able to burn through them with the incendiaries I'm carrying.

我们装备的燃烧弹 可烧*它们