
音标/读音 ['tævənə]
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◎ 单词释义

n. (希腊的)酒馆, 餐馆



We've seen him at the market, the pier, the taverna.

我们在超市 码头 酒馆都看到了他

The island's oldest and most traditional taverna was the hangout of the local sponge divers a century ago.

小岛上最古老最传统的酒馆 曾是100年前当地海绵采集者消遣去处

The sofas encourage locals and visitors alike to stay a while, and, if you stay long enough, nearby tavernas, as rustic restaurants are called here, serve the fish dish of your dreams.

无论是本地人还是游客都经不住沙发的诱惑 从而驻足歇息 如果你休息时间过长 不远处就有 当地人叫做"塔弗纳斯"的餐馆 为你奉上鲜美的鱼宴