
音标/读音 [skʌf]
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◎ 单词释义

vi. 拖着脚走, 磨损
vt. 拳打, 攻击, 用足尖触, 使磨损
n. 拖着脚走, 磨损, 家用平底拖鞋

n. the act of scuffing (scraping or dragging the feet)
v. walk without lifting the feet
v. get or become scuffed



No, what's a few scuff marks? It doesn't matter.

地板划花几道算什么 没事的

Scuff marks suggest that she was struggling.


Peter, don't scuff up the floor with your shoe.

彼得 别用你的鞋划地板

I'm here for the asteroid, not to scuff my armor fighting you.

我是为小行星而来 而不是费心费力和你们战斗

Those are black scuff marks, and they're fresh.

那些是黑色的刮痕 是不久前留下的

I don't get it. It's just a stupid scuff.

我不明白 不过是道划痕

Put nipple pasties on the soles so they don't scuff.

在鞋底贴乳贴 这样就不会磨损了

The irregular scuff marks, those indicate a struggle.

从不规则的划痕来看 曾发生过打斗

based on fingerprints and scuff marks on the floor.


It's not healthy for you just scuff concrete as long as you have.

在你还有的时候不停吃着老本 对你不好