
音标/读音 [prәj'beiʃәnәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 试用的, 预备期的, 见习的, 缓刑中的
[法] 试用的, 见习的, 缓刑的

s. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon



You've been accepted for a probationary period.


I got put on probationary status for that.


We will protect you on a probationary basis.

我們會保護你 并觀察你

And he'll be subject to a yearly probationary review.


So if you come back, you'll be a postulant, which is a probationary phase.

如果你再回来 就会成为志愿者 相当于观察试用阶段

I'll consider giving you a probationary consulting position.


If he doesn't, I'll allow him to continue his treatments here on a probationary basis.

如果没有 我就让他继续在这里治疗 但仍需考察

Now, as a probationary hire, you have a clearance level of one.

作为处于试用期的员工 你只有一级权限

Didn't know that house calls were part of your probationary purview.

我不知道登门拜访 也属于缓刑条款中的一部分

Now that you're out of your probationary period, the real work begins.

现在你算是过了试用期了 真正的工作即将开始