
音标/读音 ['praiml]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 主要的, 最初的, 原始的

s serving as an essential component
s having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state



So this is a primal attraction, is what you're saying.


The primal rage could be about the blood itself.


There is a primal wound that adoptees have.


I guess the only word for it would be primal.

我想唯一合适的词就是 *本能

So, I'm on primal red alert, here, man.

所以我现在处于原始红色警报 伙计

From going primal, from losing it, from losing you.

免得你变身 免得你失控 免得失去你

Instinct, pure and primal or so I thought.

本能 纯正且原始 或者我是这么想的

it was just an ambrosia of primal sensations.


I mean, we're all primal beings, and these are our claws.

我们都是原始动物 这些是我们的爪子

We have to tap into our most primal, combative selves until this is over.

我们必须放出杀气 用最原始的能力 坚持到最后