
音标/读音 ['kæʃmiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 开士米, 山羊绒
[化] 山羊绒; 开斯米绒

n. a soft fabric made from the wool of the Cashmere goat
n. the wool of the Kashmir goat



That's cashmere, you have to hang it up.

那是羊绒的 你得挂起来

Again, sorry about your cashmere sweaters in here.


That's why I leave my cashmere at home, and my soul.

所以我把羊绒衣服放家里 还有我的灵魂

Although that's a lie, I am the king of cashmere.

骗你的 我就是羊绒衫之王

Advice is critici* in a cashmere sweater.


I don't know if it's cashmere, but I do know that it's diseasefree.

我不知道是不是羊絨的 但我知道上面沒有染病

Bonnie, come sit by me so she doesn't stink up my cashmere.

邦妮 过来和我坐 别让她熏臭我的羊绒

This cashmere blanket is like being back in the womb.


Cashmere and silk to make yourself feel what passes for happy.


I can tell, you're using my cashmere throw like it's a paper towel.

看得出来 你把我的羊绒盖毯 当作纸巾来用