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◎ 单词释义

v. 再度觉醒( reawaken的现在分词 )

v awaken once again



We shall reawaken it to its purpose.

我们将再次唤醒它 使其焕发新生

You need to get up there find that moment and reawaken it.


Trip here has reawakened the call of the wild within me.


Your synapses are reawakening because your connection between the music and the color.

你的神经突触网被重新唤醒了 一切源于你对音乐和颜色的联觉

Unfortunately, gratitude alone will not be enough to reawaken her.

不幸的是 只有感激 是不足以唤醒她的

If his brain comes to associate reawakening anything alive in there might never wake up.

如果他的大脑把运动皮层的再次唤醒 那里存活的部分可能会永远都醒不来了

Last time someone told me to be hopeful was the day my reawakened mobility returned to its stubborn slumber.

上一次有人让我怀抱希望那天 就是我刚恢复一点的行动能力 回到了一片死寂的时候