
音标/读音 ['intigreit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 综合, 使完整, 使成整体
vi. 成一体
a. 完整的, 完全的

v. make into a whole or make part of a whole
v. become one; become integrated
v. calculate the integral of; calculate by integration



He's attacking my integrity and the integrity of this company.


When you question the integrity of the bureau's actions, you question the integrity of my actions.

当你质疑联调局行动是否公正时 你就是在质疑我的举措是否有理

When I actually do this calculation,I get yet another integral, and when you do this integral, you get something which makes no sense whatsoever an infinity.

当我计算时 我得到另一个积分 当你计算这个积分时 你却得出这个 根本说不通的东西 无限大

But you have to have the integrity to live with them.


It's a website. It doesn't have integrity.

就只是个网站 哪来真实可言

She tried to have me integrated, too.


You have no integrity and no character.

你根本毫无正直 和人格可言

She has a lot of integrity and no friends.

她为人正直 而且没有朋友

You know, you have integrity, and I love you for it.

知道吗 你很诚实 我就喜欢你这一点

Did you tell them we're about honor and integrity.
