
音标/读音 [kә'ku:n]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 茧
[医] 茧

n. silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs
v. retreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment
v. wrap in or as if in a cocoon, as for protection



If you spend all your time inside the cocoon, there's no chance of building anything outside the cocoon.

如果你总是沉醉于自我的世界 那就没法在外面的世界做出任何事

That's how long you and I were in those cocoons.


You're not the first to romance the cocoon.


It should have been me inside the queen cocoon, not you.

女王茧里应该是我才对 而不是你

Like, out of your cocoon, and you're a butterfly.

如同破繭而出 蛻變成了蝴蝶

This entire town was infected in those cocoons.

整个镇子的人 都在茧里被感染了

Sam and I started the cocooning process.


She must have gone into a cocoon after she was stabbed.

她肯定是在被捅伤之后 进入了蚕茧里

Everyone who was cocooned has a role to play.

每个在茧里的人 都有自己的作用

It doesn't spin a cocoon and wake up a butterfly.

它不会织一个蚕蛹 醒来就成蝴蝶了