
音标/读音 ['dʒeni]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 纺纱机, 移动吊车, 母驴

n. United States architect who designed the first skyscraper in which a metal skeleton was used (1832-1907)



Jenny, he is not ready to be a father.

珍妮 他还没准备好做父亲呢

Jenny won't even talk to me about it.


Jenny, you can't keep my son from me.

珍妮 你不能阻止我见孩子

Jenny that's the girl that I was dating.

珍妮 就是我约会的女孩的名字

Jenny, we wouldn't be in this situation without you.

珍妮 没有你 我们也不会有这种情况

Jenny, unlike you, I don't have children.

珍妮 和你不一样 我没有孩子

Jenny, that's why you're in so much pain.

珍妮 所以你才这么疼痛

Jenny and I, we grieved of you for years.

我和珍妮 我们伤心了很久

Jenny can't be part of this in any way.


Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more.
