
音标/读音 ['steitmәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 陈述, 指令, 声明
[计] 程序语句; 语句

n. a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc
n. (music) the presentation of a musical theme
n. a nonverbal message
n. a document showing credits and debits



All right, I'll make a statement, a brief statement.

好了 我会发表声明 简短的声明

You would be making a statement by trying to not make a statement.

这种不发表声明的方式 反而无声地表明了你的立场

I thought I'd have weeks to get a statement ready; two statements.

我以为我会有几周的时间 去准备一份或两份声明

Either you'll make your opening statement in conformity with my direction, or you won't make a statement.

要么按我说的 讲开庭陈述 要么别陈述

Uh, so, their mission statement is right near their nachos, and we were saying that this is notcho mission statement.

他们的使命宣言 就写在墨西哥玉米片旁边 我们还说 这是莫有米使命宣言

Because if you wanted to take a moment to think about and amend any previous statements, including your statements from 1985, now would be the time.

因为如果你要先想一想 然后对于以前做过的笔录 包括你在1985年做的笔录进行修改的话 现在是好时机

If we felt less comfortable trying this case from a forensic science standpoint rather than a, statement of witnesses or codefendant statement, that certainly would have had a collateral benefit.

如果我们不从 法医学的角度来审此案 而是 通过证人陈述或同案被告陈述来审案 那份陈述肯定会是证据之一

That's because my statement is what happened.


it's that both those statements cannot be true.


That wasn't a question. It was more of a statement.

那不是问题 更多是表态