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◎ 单词释义


n. primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needlelike teeth



Gar said it looked like a black cloud filled with razor blades.

加尔说它看起来像 黑雾状的剃刀

Je ne le ferrais pas pour moi, je pense à tous nos gars.

我不是为了我自己 是为了大家伙

A reptilian mouth filled with razorsharp teeth but with the body of a fish, over 10 feet long and nearly 300 pounds, the alligator gar is a ferocious ambush predator.

嘴似爬行动物 内有锋利牙齿 却是鱼状的身体 体长三米多 重达三百斤 鳄雀鳝是凶猛而擅伏击的肉食动物