
音标/读音 [sɪəd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 烧焦( sear的过去式和过去分词 )

s. having the surface burned quickly with intense heat



So that should you return, you have seared into your memory what is yours and what is not.

以防你想回来 你需要牢牢记住 什么是你的 什么不是

Trust me. It is seared into my brain.

相信我 它已经深深印在我脑海里了

There's a searing article about corroborative witnesses.


The handle was on fire. It was a searing heat.

但是门把手着火了 烫的要命

We need to show them our unmistakable and searing chemistry.

我们要向他们展示完美 真挚强烈的化学反应

Others are still seared to the surface of the wreckage.


That's the number I have seared into my brain and always will.


He must sear the wound, stop the blood.

他必须要烧灼伤口 止血

It's for amputees with searing pain in their phantom limbs.


You will look back on this with searing regret.

等你回头再看看 你会带着无尽悔恨