
音标/读音 [snæk]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 小吃, 点心, 快餐
vi. 吃零食, 吃快餐

n a light informal meal
v eat a snack; eat lightly



I am having a little snack, before having my other snack.

在享用你之前 我先来点零食

I mean, he's driven around, he has his hair brushed, and they bring him breakfast and snacks and lunch and more snacks and then they bring him dinner, andand if he's cold, they wrap a coat around him and bring him a hot snack.

有人接送 有人替他梳理发型 有人给他带早餐和点心 午餐和更多点心 然后给他带晚餐 如果他觉得冷了 他们就给他裹上外套再给他带热点心

This is what happens when you stop for snacks on your way to stop for more snacks.

谁让你在去抢零食的路上 还浪费时间去买零食啊

If people want snacks, they can bring their own damn snacks.

如果大家想吃零食 他们可以自带零食

Nobody ever tells dads what to do about snacks, and this is a good snack holder.

又没人告诉奶爸该怎么处理零食 这东西装零食还不错

I snack all day, but I've never quite snacked at a hole in a tree with a giant tarantula.

我经常吃零食 但我从来没有从树洞里取零食 吃如此巨大的塔兰托毒蛛

Chuck gets his lunch at 1:00, he gets his snack at 2:30, at 3:00 he takes his nap so his snack must arrive at 2:30.

查克一点吃午餐 两点半吃零食 三点小憩一会 所以他的零食一定要在两点半送到

There's no snacks out there. I'm starving.

你们这没有吃的 我快饿死了

I was wondering why I was getting snacks.


No, I was waiting for you to get snacks.

不 我刚刚在这里等你去买吃的