
音标/读音 [sai'ætik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 髋部的, 坐骨的, 坐骨神经的
[医] 坐骨的

a. relating to or caused by or afflicted with sciatica
a. of or relating to the ischium (or the part of the hipbone containing it)



It's the baby pushing up against your sciatic nerve.


Well, the greater sciatic notch indicates a male.


And according to the greater sciatic notch, the victim was male.

根据死者的坐骨大切迹来看 受害者为男性

Zack, look at the slope of the sciatic notch in the pelvis.

Zack 看一下盆骨的坐骨切痕的斜度

The victim has a narrow sciatic notch and partially defined lower extremities on the pubic face.

受害人的坐骨切迹十分狭窄 使得部分耻部下肢轮廓分明