
音标/读音 ['felәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 重罪犯, 恶棍, 瘭疽
[医] 瘭疽, 指头脓炎

n. a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail



We can't do that if you're a wanted felon.


As a convicted felon, you can't own a gun.

你已经被定重罪了 不能持枪

And administration of felons through the docks.


I can't have no gun. I'm a goddamn felon.

我有重罪前科 怎么能拿枪

He's broke and he's a convicted felon.

不仅一名不值 还是个重罪犯

It's not illegal if you're a wanted felon.

如果你是通缉犯 那就不违法

To live with a felon. It's not a formality.

和重罪犯住在一起 可不是走走形式

He's not a hockey player, he's a felon.

他不是冰球运动员 他就是个暴力狂

And just so you know, she's not a felon.

顺便告诉你 她不是重犯

He was fired for just fraternizing with a felon.

他就因为跟一个罪犯交好 而被开除了