
音标/读音 ['pidʒin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 鸽子, 易上当受骗的人, 年轻女子

n. wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs



I killed more than a few pigeons myself, and a dove ain't nothing but a prettier pigeon, but this felt different.

我自己杀过不少鸽子 白鸽不过就是只好看点的鸽子 但这次感觉不同

If you mix the pigeon shit and the cow shit at a ratio of around 60:40 in favour of the pigeon.

你把鸽粪牛粪按60:40的比例混合 鸽粪占百分之60

If the pigeon's stoned or a trucker.

除非它嗑药了 或者它是卡车司机

And then he reloaded to shoot your pigeon.


There's about 100 pigeons here at the moment.


what we're wearing, the color of the pigeons, isn't.

穿什么 鸽子的颜色 我不在乎

You are the passenger pigeons and thylacines.

你们就是早已灭绝的候鸽 还有袋狼

The pigeon puffs up when it's angry.

那只鸽子生气会胀起来 很吓人

Baby, the pigeon's in the shower again.

宝贝 那只鸽子又进浴室了

The singing of the pigeons is not the cure.
