
音标/读音 [vi:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. V字形物
a. V字形的



Vee, you're so wrong. It's not too late.

小维 你错了 现在不算迟

Vee, you need to tell me everything.

小维 你得把所有事都告诉我

Vee, tell us more about your fancy neighbors.

小维 跟我们说说你那有钱的邻居们

Vee, this is a very good reverse potato situation.

维 这是个弥补土豆闹剧的好机会

Vee, secure your area and clear the rest of the trailer.

小薇 警戒你的区域 搜查房车的其他部分

Vee, the scroll says you have to choose your closest companion.

小维 卷轴上写着你必须选择最亲密的伴侣

Vee, I want you to talk to the girls at the hospital, see what they can tell us.

小薇 去医院跟这些女孩谈谈 看看她们知道多少