
音标/读音 [kәn'spirәsi]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 同谋, 阴谋, 阴谋集团
[法] 阴谋, 通谋, 共谋

n. a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
n. a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
n. a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose



Okay. It's not a conspiracy, just a conspiracy theory.

行 这不是什么阴谋 只是个阴谋论

I hate to say "conspiracy," but, my peeps, we've got a conspiracy.

我挺不乐意说阴谋这个词的 但是 我的同僚们 这是场阴谋

Or they're in on the conspiracy too.


Even better, I'll use it to prove that your conspiracy case is actually a conspiracy against you by a corrupt, overzealous government.

而且我还会利用此案证明这起密谋案 完全是针对你的阴谋 是*过激的政府发起的

I've already got you on felony destruction of property, conspiracy to commit domestic terrori*, and conspiracy to commit murder.

我手上有你的罪证 破坏他人财产 企图制造大规模恐怖事件 还有蓄意谋杀

Conspiracy to maliciously destroy property, conspiracy to bomb a place of public use, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice.

密谋恶意破坏公共财产 密谋炸毁政府设备 毁灭证据 妨碍司法公正

I'll use your word, conspiracy, a conspiracy that has already taken the lives of several hundred children this past week alone is sitting in your living room, and you're all standing around listening to me talk instead of running away from me as fast as you can.

当然 "阴谋"是你们的用词 这场阴谋单单在过去的一周 就已经导致了数百名儿童的死亡 而这位关键人物就坐在你们的客厅里 你们却都围着我 听我说话 而非拼了命地逃离我

You're not at the center of any conspiracies.


When you're in the employ of the conspiracy.

那么 你是不允许有自己的秘密的

What we are looking at is a conspiracy.
