
音标/读音 ['sә:dʒәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 外科医生, 军医, 船医
[医] 外科医师

n. a physician who specializes in surgery



And all surgeons can't do what we do.


When the captain of a seventyfour asks you for a surgeon, you give him a surgeon.

皇家战舰的舰长 跟你要医生 你就必须照做

I'm his surgeon, or I would have been.

我是他的医生 或者说差点是他的医生

We'll have neuro surgeons here with a view of the monitors, cardiac surgeon there in case we need to open her up.

神经外科医师负责盯着成像屏幕 心外科医生待命 以防需要开胸

The captain and the two senior lieutenants died, as well as the surgeon and the surgeon's mate.

船长和两位高阶中尉病死了 还有医生及其助手

Now your patient needs an orthopedic surgeon to fix his pelvis, a thoracic surgeon to clean up whatever you left of his chest.

现在你的病人需要进行骨科手术 修复骨盆 还要做胸腔手术 来清理你们留下的烂摊子

But you're not a surgeon at this hospital.


I was her surgeon, not her exfiancé.

我是她的手术医生 不是她的前未婚夫

I'll be back in a while with your surgeon.


I'm not a surgeon, I'm an executioner.

我就不是医生 我是个刽子手