
音标/读音 ['pærәki:t]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 长尾小鹦鹉, 鹦鹉

n. any of numerous small slender long-tailed parrots



Pelton, I can't keep track of all the parakeets you had growing up.

派尔顿 我可不能 再帮你回顾所有你养过的小鹦鹉了

Item one cage, suitable for a parakeet.

物品 一个关长尾鹦鹉的笼子

"Item one cage, suitable for a parakeet.

物品 一个笼子 适合饲养长尾鹦鹉

Then, she went back and they gave her a third parakeet.

然后她又去宠物店闹 弄来第三只鹦鹉

Magazines, wrapping paper, and those relentless parakeets.

杂志 包装纸 还有那些叫个不停的鹦鹉

Hey, if you stop crying, I'll give you a suicidal parakeet.

别哭了 我给你换只喜欢自杀的鹦鹉怎么样

I would like to remind you that you and that wretched parakeet are merely tenants of the building that I own.

我想提醒你 你和那只讨厌的长尾鹦鹉只是租户 我才是这栋大楼的持有者

The parakeet was still in the room, but it turned out to be a welcome addition to the games at hand.

长尾小鹦鹉还在屋子里 而它实际上却是 即将到来的嬉戏的小彩蛋

She got a parakeet, for some insane reason and the little *er croaked after two days.

她莫名其妙的非要养鹦鹉 结果那破鸟两天就死了

Hey, there's a big market for people who don't want the burden of caring for a parakeet full time.

这市场很大的 有很多人喜欢鹦鹉 却不想成天照料它